Hello ladies

Before I jump in I wanted to say a big hello to all the ladies who have just discovered Hairducation. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you feel inspired to take better care of your hair.



The question I get asked the most by ladies who see my hair in person is “are you natural” or “how long have you been natural”? Many simply assume I am natural and make statements like “ I want to go natural like you” or “ if my hair was natural like yours maybe it won’t break so much”
My hair does look natural and the fact that I relax my hair only twice or three times a year means I am usually walking around with a lot of new growth.

This blog post is a chance for me to explain that there are different degrees of texlaxing. Some ladies texlax their hair but still retain a high amount of its natural texture, for example their hair may retain about 60 percent of its natural kinks. Some other ladies with texlaxed hair may retain a smaller amount of their natural texture, for example their hair may retain only 20%.
The ladies in the two examples above both have texlaxed hair but by varying degrees. I knew from early on in my hair journey that I wanted my hair to look like natural hair that had been blow dried straight. Over the years I figured out how much oil I needed to add to my relaxers to weaken it and how long to leave the relaxer on my hair to achieve this look. Looking at my hair I would say I have retained 30% to 40% of my natural texture.



Mini Hair Update

I thought I would kill two birds with one stone and also write a super quick hair update post.
I am currently 18 weeks post and should be relaxing my hair in a month or so. This deep into my stretch my complaints are usually the same, wash day takes longer, my hair tangles more and I have to work harder to keep my hair moisturised.

On a positive note I was more consistent with my hair regimen on this stretch than I have been on previous ones and I honestly can see a difference. My ends have held up well enough and my hair looks healthy and feels good too.

I hope you have enjoyed this FAQ and mini update and that you’ll come back soon for the bun of the month post.

Happy hair journey







  1. February 25, 2016 / 8:27 am

    Your hair is really nice. I will not blame people who think you are natural.

    • Lade
      February 27, 2016 / 3:34 pm

      Thanks for your comment Lebogang



  2. Whitney
    February 26, 2016 / 8:59 am

    I texlaxed my hair for the first time 2 days ago,i naturally have a thick, stubborn and super full hair which rarely relax.am hoping on seeing how my hair reacts to texlaxing over time,i use braids with my hair only as my protective style and my hair is in didi (inner weaving)cornrows at the moment

    • Lade
      February 27, 2016 / 3:39 pm

      Thanks for your update Whitney. I love your choice of protective styles.

      I hope your hair takes well to texlaxing.

      Happy hair journey

  3. Mikasa
    January 30, 2017 / 9:25 pm

    I am about 2 months new into your channel and I’ve been loving what I am seeing. I have to make sure my relaxed hair can grow this long.

    • Lade
      February 8, 2017 / 1:49 pm

      Welcome Mikasa!!!!!!
      I am glad Hairducation has been able to get your attention and that you are inspired to take better care of your hair. With a good regimen, consistency and TIME I am sure you’ll “grow” far.

      happy hair journey